Dear RSBP user!
We would like to announce several significant changes to the RSBP online learning. These changes are being introduced to improve the user experience, security, and training outreach. Here's what to expect:
RSBP newsletters and updates via messenger channels
Email circulars with the RSBP news will be discontinued after November 10. Instead, we have launched channels on Telegram and Whatsapp. All news & updates about the RSBP will be shared through these channels. Subscribe to the channels and stay up to date with the latest news. Links and QR codes below.
New login process
Already now you have the opportunity to log on to the platform in a new way - by using your email address and password. The current way will remain until migration to the new process on November 10, 2023. For email log on, you should use the email address you provided during your registration. Your password will remain the same. If you do not remember what address you used to register on the platform, you can find it out in your profile or by contacting the RSBP support.
Password recovery procedure
We are also improving the password recovery mechanism. After November 10, you may recover your password by sending an email message to one of the following email addresses.
Issuance of Certificates & Statements
Obtaining certificates & statements will also be implemented through sending a request to
Increased security and personal data
We are implementing an account hashing system, which will increase the protection of your personal data. All personal data will be removed from the RSBP platform and replaced with a unique hash code. That said, still all of your RSBP training achievements will be retained and available only to you and your organization.
Changes to the registration process for new users
We are simplifying the registration process on the platform. In order to register with us, you will need to send an email to a special email address and in response you will receive your - login and password.
Entering of personal data on the platform during such registration will no longer be needed. You may specify your age and gender only.
All changes mentioned above will be introduced from November 10, 2023.
If you would like to share your learning experience with or leave a recommendation to further improve RSBP services, please email us at
Subscribe to our Telegram and Whatsapp channels to stay informed.
The RSBP's channel on Telegram
The RSBP's channel on Whatsapp